Turning Up the
Dial on Information

Whether you’re an engineering company, a municipality, a network owner, or a construction company, our data integration services can enhance how you utilize your intelligence. Taking it far beyond its initially intended use now and in the future.
Our Data Integration solutions can help:

Experience the power of information like never before.

Randy Linn

What Our Clients are Saying

Our company is involved in a turnkey project build with complex records management requirements and we quickly realized the need to update our management information system. Millennium Geospatial was selected for the job because of their talent, industry experience and capabilities. They worked with us to realize our vision of one project management system by consolidating numerous tracking spreadsheets and maps into one geospatial platform. This platform provides project insight and efficiencies we were lacking previously and will be invaluable as we continue to grow.

Randy Linn
Director of Compliance | TelCom Construction

5 Ways
Geospatial Data Integration Can
Make Companies Better

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.
– Alan Lakein
We consider incorporating GIS for Data Integration a future-thinking approach and investment because we fully acknowledge that data has been cared for in the telecom industry for well over one hundred years without the aid of GIS. But we do find that businesses get better when they focus on having quality data.
Here are 5 ways GIS Data Integration methods are beneficial to telecom companies:
Here are 5 ways GIS Data Integration methods are beneficial to telecom companies:

Increases efficiencies and reveals new opportunities for the real fun to begin

Once you’ve brought your data “under one roof,” you can combine legacy business data with new information and even layer in ancillary data such as weather to look for correlations and insights.
Data in one place + combining data to derive patterns = often knowing what’s likely going to happen (or not happen). This can help anticipate outages, billing patterns, and even potential customers.
Stretch your marketing dollars further by using data to narrow in on people who are most likely interested in what you have to offer. That’s “better” marketing.
Solid data on your customer set and infrastructure can make you an even more attractive acquisition to future investors.
The bottom line? There is value in data. Clean data. Quality data. Forward thinking businesses should always keep the potential for acquisition in mind and plan accordingly. Data Integration is a powerful way to stay a step ahead of the competition.

Let’s Dig Into
the Data